Rui Albuquerque    Blog    Projects    Archive    Twitter    GitHub    Feed

Hi! I'm Rui, and this is my blog/personal page!

After my first half marathon!.

About me

So, about me. I'm currently a Grad student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon. My main interests lie in computer architectures, hardware acceleration, algorithms, computer networks, optimization and more recently Artificial Intelligence and machine learning (I'll be expanding on those this year!). I also have an interest in systems and network security, parallel programing. You know, the usual Computer Engineering stuff... On my free time I love traveling, and have already met a good (but never enough!) share of European countries, and some of the Americas. I'll even be spending next semester abroad in Belgium's KUL, so that's going to be cool! I also recently began running, and have already completed my first Half-Marathon. I love reading (mostly Sci-Fi and Fantasy) and catching up on my favorite shows. And obviously, spending time with my friends :) If you want to contact me, feel free to hit me up on twitter!

The Blog

So, what I’m trying to do there is create a place where it about school, projects, technology in general, engineering, food. Well, just about anything that attracts my attention. Mostly this will be kind of an experiment for me, to see if I’m actually capable of maintaining this blog up with some regularity. I hope so. We'll see. :P So go there and check it out!

Thanks for reading! And I hope you enjoy this new experiment! (p.s. thanks to Ricardo for the about pic Photoshop and Artur for the favicon :D )